We have many resources at American River College for your assistance, including the math department's Oak Tree Tutoring Center in Room 132, the Learning Resource Center, and MESA (the Math, Engineering, Science Achievement program in Room 131). My office hours will be held in Room 122 in Howard Hall at 9:00-9:50 MWF and 10:00-10:50 TuTh. Howard Hall is located at the front (west side) of the campus, next to the administration building and Raef Hall. Most math classes are held in the 160s wing of the Liberal Arts complex.

All students are automatically assigned a campus e-mail address via our iMail system. Activate your iMail account immediately so that you will be able to receive messages from the college and your instructors. Since many of you already have e-mail addresses that you may prefer to use, iMail has been set up so that you can configure it with automatic forwarding to your preferred e-mail account. iMail can be accessed from off-campus via the Internet or from any of the student computers on campus, such as those in the Library or the Learning Resource Center.
Note to Math 350 students: Your WileyPlus website address is
which you can also reach by clicking on the WileyPlus link in the sidebar.
P.S.: The word is didactic.
1 comment:
Was I the only one who completely blew problem 2 on the quiz today by not actually ADDING the 16 and 4 to both sides?
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